Who We Are
We may not be able to find a cure however, we can definitely help with the cope!
As a two-time survivor myself I know how important it is to maintain a positive attitude while dealing with cancer. It is our mission to provide a positive atmosphere with support, encouragement, and knowledge, for everyone affected by cancer in any way, reminding everyone to Love while You can. Our goal is to help raise funds, products, and services for the COPE, not the cure! We’re looking to take a more personal approach to help those affected by any form of cancer!
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We want to create more preventative methods, while appealing to a younger audience,
teaching young women during the puberty age how to complete a monthly self breast exam.
We hope while helping create theses habits at such a young age could one day,
save their life one day.
teaching young women during the puberty age how to complete a monthly self breast exam.
We hope while helping create theses habits at such a young age could one day,
save their life one day.